This Portfolio

tl;dr A simple web developer portfolio site.

  1. Built using Svelte and SvelteKit, following SvelteKit's +page routing conventions for clean and intuitive organization of pages and components.

  2. Modularized the main page by creating components for each section, enhancing code reusability and maintainability.

  3. Implemented separate project components linked from the "Projects + Contributions" section on the home page.

  4. Included links to individual project pages in the navigation bar, providing seamless navigation throughout the portfolio.

  5. Deployed the portfolio to Vercel, leveraging its integration with SvelteKit, automatic deployments, custom domains, and CDN caching for optimal performance.

  6. Light mode inspired by the Alexander Radical II Delay Pedal

Client Side

  • JavaScript
  • Svelte.js

Server Side

  • Sveltekit (Node.js)


  • Tailwind CSS


  • Vercel